Cho-Santa and Richardimr2 wish you a Merry, Merry Christmas! (scroll down to see posts)

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Domain Coming Soon!!!

Yep, I know what you're thinking. I am too!!! If you do not know what you are thinking about, let me tell you!!!
Are you tired of having to type Ya, you probebly are... I sure am!
soon, we are going to make another domain name for this site. Yep, you heard me, another domain!!!
We are still going to have the old one, but we are having a new one that is much easier to type and remember.
I can't tell you it right now(you might take it before I do) but I will tell you it when I make it. I can give you a hint though, it is going to be a .info ad mybe a .org


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