Cho-Santa and Richardimr2 wish you a Merry, Merry Christmas! (scroll down to see posts)

My Add

Monday, November 2, 2009


today I went on chobots and got invite to a secret room!!!
It might be the beta room, but it is decorated for Christmas.I also think that they might open up the room for Christmas and then close it!
there is also some signs!
first, there is a arrow at the top and it says cafe street, so that means it is leading to cafe street, also there is a teleport thing that leads to the underground.
this is a mystery place!!!!!!!!
Those clues must mean that this is going to be the Christmas version of the park!!!
the only differece is that there is that the cafe arrow is on the right side.

here are a few pics!!!

Now here is a comparision between the park and this room

New Room:


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