Cho-Santa and Richardimr2 wish you a Merry, Merry Christmas! (scroll down to see posts)

My Add

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rocking Halloween Party!!!

I hade soooooooooo much fun at the 13:00 halloween party.
IT ROCKED I don't have any pics, but it rained a ton(it was a storm)lol

here is my wardrobe after the party!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Chobots made some Halloween clothes.
They made them a little late though,TOMORROW IS HALLOWEEN WOOT!!!
anyway, check out the cool clothes that chobots made for Halloween.

this pic was taken from


Thursday, October 29, 2009


take a look at these empty servers. lol

Choproff Is Back!

Did you know Choproff is back?
You can find him in the classroom. (he is always in there)
The server is Vannila.

Good Luck on his quiz.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Tomorrow it's Halloween!!!
I hope to see you guys at the two Halloween parties!

the first one is at 13:00 cho time on Sat.

the second one is at 21:00

click the picture to enlarge it.

I hope to see you all there!


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Yay, today is my first post.

I hope all of you like my blog


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Snow Effect